【鏡子反照風水】小心鏡煞 |鏡子風水七大禁忌放大空間不忘提升家運 |mirrors |

【鏡子反照風水】小心鏡煞 |鏡子風水七大禁忌放大空間不忘提升家運 |mirrors |




















家中鏡子擺放錯誤 沒擺!

如何佈置財客廳? 10大準讓家道中落!

7個招財關佈置法 讓你好運來!

運命理平台 風水命理老師



運價下跌壓力持續 外資降長榮目標價

避免土建融變爛尾樓 行庫祭五大禁令

航運起風!貨櫃散裝輪漲 外資為何敲?

美元定存 各銀行利率秒懂、4.88%

客服專線:(02) 2306-3848
業務專線:(02) 2308-7111 #6611
     #6612 #6613













I have talked a lot about the taboos of putting mirrors in the house. Perhaps some viewers will ask me that there are so many taboos about putting mirrors in my house.







家中鏡子擺放錯誤 沒擺!

如何佈置財客廳? 10大準讓家道中落!

7個招財關佈置法 讓你好運來!

運命理平台 風水命理老師



運價下跌壓力持續 外資降長榮目標價

避免土建融變爛尾樓 行庫祭五大禁令

航運起風!貨櫃散裝輪漲 外資為何敲?

美元定存 各銀行利率秒懂、4.88%

客服專線:(02) 2306-3848 業務專線:(02) 2308-7111 #6611      #6612 #6613 服務時間:週一週五      9:00~12:00、13:30~18:00

平面镜子是家居常用物品,它作用并只限於風水上,風水學認為光照射和光線吉凶現 象產生影響力,而鏡子光學用品。能夠反照影像故它風水力量不可忽視。於 鏡子是家居物品,所以擺錯地方機會。風水學上,鏡子具有收攝和聚氣功能 ,鏡子朝著吉利地方會它吉祥氣收取過來。相反,鏡子如果向著形勢犯煞地方或 著吉利事物位置會這些煞氣吸取過來。把握了這個原則知道鏡子應該如何擺放會招納 財氣吉祥會觸犯兇煞擺錯風水,以上這個原則。


第一,镜子照床,镜子摆放地方如果照着睡床会睡床上人能量元气吸走, 為,睡得寧發噩夢失眠。如果鏡子所照睡床是夫妻睡,那麼會直接影 響夫妻之間感情引起第三者介入。

第二,鏡子照書桌、辦公室讓書房或辦公室內人分心,精神集中,而且人 會受到影響。

第三,镜子照房间厕所,镜子千万不要厕所来摆放。因为廁所裡釋放出來穢氣會 鏡子反射到臥房中,會使到住該睡房中人,精神衰弱每下,一天一天。本來 壯少病痛身體會從此變得身體多病痛,是婦女患上婦女病子宮病。

第四,客廳擺放鏡子照著廚房煤氣爐,因為廚房是烹飪煮食地方,火氣如對著廚房會 廚房火氣反射入客廳,造成家庭成員脾氣引起是非口角。

第五,鏡子神桌,鏡子若照著神桌不僅神明大不敬,會造成很衝煞,讓原本 駐你家中保佑你神明鏡子產生煞氣而離開鎮守你家中。

第六,鏡子不可擺放財位,來說客廳財位是進來左右角落,客廳內財位不可擺鏡子 會讓鏡子財氣攝走而搞到要財運衰退難振作聚財。

第七,镜子正馬桶,如果鏡子照正馬桶會馬桶污穢髒氣攝入放大,對使用者 和運氣會有影響。

第八,鏡子對門,因為是納入財氣地方,如果鏡子照著大門會入門財氣阻擋 出外。

第九,鏡子不可嵌天花板上,如果鏡子放在天花板上,會使到居住者財氣和耗散掉。 康亦。

第十,鏡子對上樓梯或向下樓梯,如果鏡子照著向下樓梯會樓梯向下傾瀉煞氣加強放 。居住者財運和,破財損失或財來聚財,上多病痛損失。

如果鏡子上樓梯會樓梯衝過來煞氣,反照進來加速加強它衝煞之氣,對居住者 財運和,不但有破財損失病痛纏身災。會有血光禍。



這問題問得,是。因為有反射發散和擴大能量,所以擺放在應該地方或有煞氣地方會加 強加速招來煞氣侵犯,但鏡子風水上有催財氣和吉氣和化解形勢風水作用。


第一, 鏡子適合擺放在飯廳或飯桌靠墻處,這樣擺放可以增加財富食祿和家人,是能發掉鏡 子威力地方。

鏡子擺得,擺得可改變家居或公司商鋪形勢風水。如果你家居或公司商鋪形狀是大 於長度,形成淺短形狀,這種形勢風水會造成財運財來財去聚財。遇到這種情況化解方 法是一面鏡子擺放客廳後方靠墻處。擺放鏡子應該要看到客廳整個前方宜。藉著鏡子反射和擴 能量,這樣可以使屋宅看起來深長,從而催財運改善財運,聚財風水。

鏡子擺放在賞心悅目使人心情愉快之處,如露台、窗口前面有风景地方。鏡子朝著吉利形 勢如青山綠水景色,它映照進鏡里,那會它吉祥氣收取過來,帶入宅內有望催旺家 宅風水。

鏡子招貴人避小人有功效,如家中白虎位氣勢或白虎位擺滿了傢私雜物櫥櫃或是有房間內。反 而青龍位卻是空蕩蕩沒有什麼東西傢私,那麼這種情況下,是屬於家中白虎位氣勢強,而青龍位氣 勢,當宅風水變得左右。這樣會有吉利影響,這樣情況犯小人是非,貴人遠離 來相助。人緣勁有孤立傾向。說到青龍白虎,於許多風水了解朋友知道青龍 白虎位哪裡,此我告訴大家知道所謂青龍位我們站屋子背向著客廳後面,而面前方觀看 屋子中央左手邊位置,而所謂白虎位那右手邊位置。

處理這種小人多貴人缺少風水,方法是左手邊青龍位懸掛一面鏡子照向右手邊白虎 位那麼可以白虎位氣勢反照入左方青龍位,以便加重青龍位氣勢而達到效果。這樣 有望化解小人是非問題,有望催人緣招到貴人來相助。



Hello, dear viewers. The theme of fengshui I would like to talk about here is the role of mirrors in fengshui and good or bad luck.

Flat mirror is a common household item, its function is not limited to fengshui, fengshui believes that light exposure and light have a great influence on auspicious or  unlucky phenomena, and mirrors are optical products,it can reflect the image, so its fengshui power can not be ignored. Since mirrors are common household items, there is a great chance of putting them in the wrong place. In fengshui, the mirror has the function of collecting and gathering gas, and when the mirror is toward an auspicious place, it will collect its auspicious gas. On the contrary, the mirror will absorb these bad spirits if it is directed to the place where the situation is bad or to the position of the unlucky thing. If you grasp this principle, you will know how the mirror should be placed in order to attract wealth and auspiciousness so as not to offend the ferocious misplacement of fengshui, according to the above principle.

The mirror has the following ten taboo places on fengshui.

First, the mirror should not face the bed, if the place where the mirror is placed facing the bed will suck away the energy of the person sleeping on the bed, it is very harmful to health, making people easy to sleep restlessly and prone to nightmares and even insomnia. If the bed facing the mirror is slept by a couple, it will directly affect the relationship between the couple and even lead to the intervention of a third party.

Second, the mirror should not be facing the desk or office, because it is easy to distract people in the study or office, making it difficult for people to concentrate, and people’s health will also be adversely affected.

Third, the mirror should not be facing the toilet in the room, and the mirror must not be placed in front of the toilet. Because the foul gas released from the toilet will be reflected into the bedroom through the mirror, the mental weakness and health of the people living in the bedroom will go from bad to worse, getting worse and worse day by day. A healthy body that is inherently strong and sick will also become weak and sick from now on, especially women are more likely to suffer from gynecological diseases, uterine diseases, and so on.

Fourth, the mirror placed in the living room should not be facing the gas stove in the kitchen, because the kitchen is the place for cooking, and the fire is fiercer, and if it is facing the kitchen, it will reflect the fire of the kitchen into the living room, causing family members to be healthy, bad-tempered and grumpy, them it will cause quarrels.

Fifth, the mirror should not be directly facing the table of gods. If the mirror is facing the table of gods, it will not only be disrespectful to the gods, but will also cause a very bad rush, so that the gods who were originally living in your home to protect you will leave because of the evil spirits caused by the mirror and are not in your home.

Sixth, the mirror can not be placed in the financial position, generally speaking, the living room financial position is the left and right corner of the door, the living room financial position can not be placed in the mirror will not let the mirror take away the wealth, so that it is difficult to cheer up and gather money.

Seventh, the mirror should not be facing the toilet, if the mirror faces the toilet, it will enlarge the intake of the dirty and smelly gas of the toilet, which will have a bad effect on the health and luck of the users.

Eighth, the mirror should not be facing the door, because the door is the place to absorb wealth, if the mirror is facing the door, it will block the entry of wealth out.

Ninth, the mirror can not be embedded in the ceiling, if the mirror is placed on the ceiling, it will dissipate the wealth and vitality of the occupants. It is also very bad for health.

Tenth, the mirror should not be facing the upward staircase or the downward staircase. If the mirror is facing the downstairs, it will strengthen and enlarge the evil spirit of the downstairs. Unfavourable to the financial fortune and health of the occupants, it is also easy to make the occupants lose money or do not accumulate wealth, and there are also many sickness and losses in health.

If the mirror faces the staircase straight up, it will also rush the evil spirit of the staircase, which will speed up and strengthen its evil spirit, which is even more disadvantageous to the financial fortune and health of the occupants, and it is not only easy to lose money and suffer from illness. I’m afraid there are often accidents of blood.

I have talked a lot about the taboos of putting mirrors in the house. Perhaps some viewers will ask me that there are so many taboos about putting mirrors in my house.

You can’t put it here, nor can you put it there. Where should the mirror be put in order to be lucky?

平面镜子是家居常用物品,它作用并只限於風水上,風水學認為光照射和光線吉凶現 象產生影響力,而鏡子光學用品。能夠反照影像故它風水力量不可忽視。於 鏡子是家居物品,所以擺錯地方機會。風水學上,鏡子具有收攝和聚氣功能 ,鏡子朝著吉利地方會它吉祥氣收取過來。相反,鏡子如果向著形勢犯煞地方或 著吉利事物位置會這些煞氣吸取過來。把握了這個原則知道鏡子應該如何擺放會招納 財氣吉祥會觸犯兇煞擺錯風水,以上這個原則。


第一,镜子照床,镜子摆放地方如果照着睡床会睡床上人能量元气吸走, 為,睡得寧發噩夢失眠。如果鏡子所照睡床是夫妻睡,那麼會直接影 響夫妻之間感情引起第三者介入。

第二,鏡子照書桌、辦公室讓書房或辦公室內人分心,精神集中,而且人 會受到影響。

第三,镜子照房间厕所,镜子千万不要厕所来摆放。因为廁所裡釋放出來穢氣會 鏡子反射到臥房中,會使到住該睡房中人,精神衰弱每下,一天一天。本來 壯少病痛身體會從此變得身體多病痛,是婦女患上婦女病子宮病。

第四,客廳擺放鏡子照著廚房煤氣爐,因為廚房是烹飪煮食地方,火氣如對著廚房會 廚房火氣反射入客廳,造成家庭成員脾氣引起是非口角。

第五,鏡子神桌,鏡子若照著神桌不僅神明大不敬,會造成很衝煞,讓原本 駐你家中保佑你神明鏡子產生煞氣而離開鎮守你家中。

第六,鏡子不可擺放財位,來說客廳財位是進來左右角落,客廳內財位不可擺鏡子 會讓鏡子財氣攝走而搞到要財運衰退難振作聚財。

第七,镜子正馬桶,如果鏡子照正馬桶會馬桶污穢髒氣攝入放大,對使用者 和運氣會有影響。

第八,鏡子對門,因為是納入財氣地方,如果鏡子照著大門會入門財氣阻擋 出外。

第九,鏡子不可嵌天花板上,如果鏡子放在天花板上,會使到居住者財氣和耗散掉。 康亦。

第十,鏡子對上樓梯或向下樓梯,如果鏡子照著向下樓梯會樓梯向下傾瀉煞氣加強放 。居住者財運和,破財損失或財來聚財,上多病痛損失。

如果鏡子上樓梯會樓梯衝過來煞氣,反照進來加速加強它衝煞之氣,對居住者 財運和,不但有破財損失病痛纏身災。會有血光禍。



這問題問得,是。因為有反射發散和擴大能量,所以擺放在應該地方或有煞氣地方會加 強加速招來煞氣侵犯,但鏡子風水上有催財氣和吉氣和化解形勢風水作用。


第一, 鏡子適合擺放在飯廳或飯桌靠墻處,這樣擺放可以增加財富食祿和家人,是能發掉鏡 子威力地方。

鏡子擺得,擺得可改變家居或公司商鋪形勢風水。如果你家居或公司商鋪形狀是大 於長度,形成淺短形狀,這種形勢風水會造成財運財來財去聚財。遇到這種情況化解方 法是一面鏡子擺放客廳後方靠墻處。擺放鏡子應該要看到客廳整個前方宜。藉著鏡子反射和擴 能量,這樣可以使屋宅看起來深長,從而催財運改善財運,聚財風水。

鏡子擺放在賞心悅目使人心情愉快之處,如露台、窗口前面有风景地方。鏡子朝著吉利形 勢如青山綠水景色,它映照進鏡里,那會它吉祥氣收取過來,帶入宅內有望催旺家 宅風水。

鏡子招貴人避小人有功效,如家中白虎位氣勢或白虎位擺滿了傢私雜物櫥櫃或是有房間內。反 而青龍位卻是空蕩蕩沒有什麼東西傢私,那麼這種情況下,是屬於家中白虎位氣勢強,而青龍位氣 勢,當宅風水變得左右。這樣會有吉利影響,這樣情況犯小人是非,貴人遠離 來相助。人緣勁有孤立傾向。說到青龍白虎,於許多風水了解朋友知道青龍 白虎位哪裡,此我告訴大家知道所謂青龍位我們站屋子背向著客廳後面,而面前方觀看 屋子中央左手邊位置,而所謂白虎位那右手邊位置。

處理這種小人多貴人缺少風水,方法是左手邊青龍位懸掛一面鏡子照向右手邊白虎 位那麼可以白虎位氣勢反照入左方青龍位,以便加重青龍位氣勢而達到效果。這樣 有望化解小人是非問題,有望催人緣招到貴人來相助。



Hello, dear viewers. The theme of fengshui I would like to talk about here is the role of mirrors in fengshui and good or bad luck.

Flat mirror is a common household item, its function is not limited to fengshui, fengshui believes that light exposure and light have a great influence on auspicious or  unlucky phenomena, and mirrors are optical products,it can reflect the image, so its fengshui power can not be ignored. Since mirrors are common household items, there is a great chance of putting them in the wrong place. In fengshui, the mirror has the function of collecting and gathering gas, and when the mirror is toward an auspicious place, it will collect its auspicious gas. On the contrary, the mirror will absorb these bad spirits if it is directed to the place where the situation is bad or to the position of the unlucky thing. If you grasp this principle, you will know how the mirror should be placed in order to attract wealth and auspiciousness so as not to offend the ferocious misplacement of fengshui, according to the above principle.

The mirror has the following ten taboo places on fengshui.

First, the mirror should not face the bed, if the place where the mirror is placed facing the bed will suck away the energy of the person sleeping on the bed, it is very harmful to health, making people easy to sleep restlessly and prone to nightmares and even insomnia. If the bed facing the mirror is slept by a couple, it will directly affect the relationship between the couple and even lead to the intervention of a third party.

Second, the mirror should not be facing the desk or office, because it is easy to distract people in the study or office, making it difficult for people to concentrate, and people’s health will also be adversely affected.

Third, the mirror should not be facing the toilet in the room, and the mirror must not be placed in front of the toilet. Because the foul gas released from the toilet will be reflected into the bedroom through the mirror, the mental weakness and health of the people living in the bedroom will go from bad to worse, getting worse and worse day by day. A healthy body that is inherently strong and sick will also become weak and sick from now on, especially women are more likely to suffer from gynecological diseases, uterine diseases, and so on.

Fourth, the mirror placed in the living room should not be facing the gas stove in the kitchen, because the kitchen is the place for cooking, and the fire is fiercer, and if it is facing the kitchen, it will reflect the fire of the kitchen into the living room, causing family members to be healthy, bad-tempered and grumpy, them it will cause quarrels.

Fifth, the mirror should not be directly facing the table of gods. If the mirror is facing the table of gods, it will not only be disrespectful to the gods, but will also cause a very bad rush, so that the gods who were originally living in your home to protect you will leave because of the evil spirits caused by the mirror and are not in your home.

Sixth, the mirror can not be placed in the financial position, generally speaking, the living room financial position is the left and right corner of the door, the living room financial position can not be placed in the mirror will not let the mirror take away the wealth, so that it is difficult to cheer up and gather money.

Seventh, the mirror should not be facing the toilet, if the mirror faces the toilet, it will enlarge the intake of the dirty and smelly gas of the toilet, which will have a bad effect on the health and luck of the users.

Eighth, the mirror should not be facing the door, because the door is the place to absorb wealth, if the mirror is facing the door, it will block the entry of wealth out.

Ninth, the mirror can not be embedded in the ceiling, if the mirror is placed on the ceiling, it will dissipate the wealth and vitality of the occupants. It is also very bad for health.

Tenth, the mirror should not be facing the upward staircase or the downward staircase. If the mirror is facing the downstairs, it will strengthen and enlarge the evil spirit of the downstairs. Unfavourable to the financial fortune and health of the occupants, it is also easy to make the occupants lose money or do not accumulate wealth, and there are also many sickness and losses in health.

If the mirror faces the staircase straight up, it will also rush the evil spirit of the staircase, which will speed up and strengthen its evil spirit, which is even more disadvantageous to the financial fortune and health of the occupants, and it is not only easy to lose money and suffer from illness. I’m afraid there are often accidents of blood.

I have talked a lot about the taboos of putting mirrors in the house. Perhaps some viewers will ask me that there are so many taboos about putting mirrors in my house.

You can’t put it here, nor can you put it there. Where should the mirror be put in order to be lucky?

在〈【鏡子反照風水】小心鏡煞 |鏡子風水七大禁忌放大空間不忘提升家運 |mirrors |〉中留言功能已關閉